17:16 28.03.2022

Denmark provides Ukrainian vehicle owners with free border insurance

2 min read
Denmark provides Ukrainian vehicle owners with free border insurance

Ukrainian refugees entering Denmark by motor vehicle can obtain a free border insurance policy for 30 days from the date of arrival in this country, according to a press release from the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.

Compulsory border insurance policies will be issued by the Danish motor insurers' bureau (DFIM), which is one of the guarantee funds of the Danish insurance industry.

As noted in the statement, in order to obtain a border insurance policy in Denmark, Ukrainian car owners must contact DFIM at the email address: [email protected] and indicate: vehicle category, country of registration of the vehicle, license plate number, model, year of manufacture of the vehicle, name a citizen of Ukraine and an address in Denmark, a copy or photo of a driver's license or passport. In response, DFIM sends an official insurance policy (in pdf format).

Frontier insurance is a type of car owner liability insurance to third parties and covers any liability of the owner or user of the vehicle if, through his fault, an accident occurs on the road that causes injury, death to people or damage to their property.

Representatives of DFIM said they are constantly monitoring the situation and assessing the need and possibility of expanding this insurance mechanism within the framework of the current legislation of the country.

In Denmark, DFIM functions as a guarantee fund, a national Green Card Bureau and a clearinghouse for motor insurance.