16:27 02.03.2022

IAEA maintains ability to monitor situation at atomic facilities in Ukraine – IAEA general director

1 min read

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) currently have the ability to monitor the situation at nuclear facilities on the territory of Ukraine, the organization's director general Rafael Grossi said on Wednesday.

"Remotely controlled equipment is functioning normally," he said at a briefing in Vienna.

"We are able to continue security control activities," Grossi added.

He noted that he expects that in the future it will be possible to send IAEA inspectors directly to facilities in Ukraine.

"I am in contact with all parties. We need to understand how we can provide support," Grossi said.

He noted that he was "inspired by the willingness of the parties to interact."

Speaking about whether the events in Ukraine pose a threat to nuclear facilities, the head of the IAEA said: "I proceed from the fact that there will be no such strikes."

Grossi explained that all countries had previously assured that they considered attacks on nuclear facilities unacceptable.