State TV, Radio Committee forbids import of five children's books containing Russian propaganda

The State Committee for Television and Radio-broadcasting (Derzhkomteleradio) refused to grant the Ukrainian importer permission to import five children's books from Russia that contain Russian propaganda.
According to the press service of the Derzhkomteleradio, in particular, children's books of the Russian publishing house "Publishing House 'Prof-Press' with neutral titles "High Technologies: From Fantasy to Reality "," Modern Professions "," Famous Animals ", which the importer intended to distribute in Ukraine, illustrated with images of security officials, military and military equipment of the aggressor state.
"Among '365 Fairy Tales and Poems for Every Day," a separate poem praises the Russian army, which 'protects and saves humanity.' In the book 'Amazing Facts' by L. Sokolova, a separate chapter is devoted to the 'great empress' Catherine II. The author calls her greatest merits the increase in the Russian army, the outbreak of wars, the seizure of foreign territories. These components, says the children's book, have made Russia 'the most powerful state in the world," the message says.
Experts admitted that the above publications contain propaganda of the aggressor state, as well as its imperial geopolitical doctrines - they violate Articles 28, 281 of the Law of Ukraine "On Publishing".
"The Expert Council decided to include these publications in such publishing products that are not allowed for distribution on the territory of Ukraine. The decision of the Expert Council was approved by the order of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting," the statement says.