Prytula remains in politics, but leaves Holos party

Ukrainian showman, volunteer Serhiy Prytula has announced his withdrawal from the Holos party.
"As of today, June 7, 2021, I am announcing my resignation from the Holos party. I emphasize that I am not leaving politics. I am leaving the party, which, not least due to actions of the new leadership, has moved away from our initial foundations so far, we can state the point of no return," Prytula wrote on Facebook on Monday.
He said that the decision to join the party on June 8, 2019 was "deliberate and balanced."
"I liked the team of people who gathered under a new political brand, the values around which these people united, and the goal that we set ourselves together. I don't know how the history of the party would have developed if the founder had not left it last year," Prytula said.
He also said that he believed in the possibility of dialogue and revival of the party, but the dialogue did not work out.
"Now I am guided by only one desire: to divert negativity from those Holos teams in the regions that have sincerely and devotedly worked for the people for two years, and now have become hostages of the situation when the party 'top' does not hear the 'bottom', and this deafness leads to criticism of all, without exception, members of the Holos teams throughout Ukraine. Regional and city cells should not be held accountable to society for the actions of the party leadership. And, in my opinion, the only correct solution is to distance themselves as much as possible from this leadership," he said.
Prytula said that the party leadership, instead of clearing the party of MPs who vote contrary to their election promises, began to clear the party ranks of those who criticized the dishonest Holos members.
"And this once again gives me reason to clearly articulate that such 'functionaries' are out of my way. And, in the future, I will choose my companions on the thorny paths of Ukrainian politics more carefully. I will definitely inform about my further plans in the political sphere on my official resources," he said.