13:12 09.03.2021

Some UAH 11 bln spent on inpatient treatment of COVID-19 in 2020 – health service

1 min read
Some UAH 11 bln spent on inpatient treatment of COVID-19 in 2020 – health service

Some UAH 11 billion were spent on inpatient treatment of patients diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020, some UAH 45,000 of budgetary funds were spent on the treatment of one patient, acting Head of the National Health Service of Ukraine Andriy Vilensky said.

"We spent UAH 11 billion on inpatient treatment of patients with COVID-19. For these funds, 250,000 patients were treated in the hospital in 2020, that is, the government allocated and paid UAH 45,000 for one patient. This is a lot of money. This is not in intensive care, but in a hospital," he told Interfax-Ukraine.

Vilensky said that "costs can be different."

"If a patient is just in hospital, then the cost of his treatment can be from UAH 2,000 to UAH 10,000, and if in intensive care or resuscitation it can reach UAH 100,000. However, on average, it is UAH 45,000," he said.