11:02 26.10.2020

Mamai, Ivashchenko, Udovychenko leading in mayoral elections in Poltava - poll by local publication

1 min read

Former mayor of Poltava Oleksandr Mamai is in the lead in the elections of the mayor, according to the results of a poll among readers of the local edition of Poltava.

According to the poll results, 21.8% of the website readers voted for Mamai (from the For Maibutne party – For the Future). The second place is taken by representative of the Servant of the People Serhiy Ivaschenko (19.5% votes), some 18.4% voted for representative of the Ridne Misto (Native City) party Oleksandr Udovychenko, and 10% voted for representative of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda.

In the elections to the City Council, the Servant of the People party has the greatest support - 18.3%, the European Solidarity - 15.7%, Ridne Misto (Native City) - 13.8%, For Maibutne (For the Future) - 13.6%, Dovira (Trust) - 5.8%, and Opposition Platform - For Life - 5.4%.

The rest of the political forces do not overcome the 5% barrier.