Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people calls on Ukrainian authorities to help return to their homeland 100 Ukrainian women, children from Syrian camp of Al-Hawl

Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov has called on the Ukrainian authorities to help return to their homeland 100 Ukrainian women and children from the Syrian refugee camp Al-Hawl.
"It seems to me that there is no political decision for further steps. I just don't understand the attitude of the Office of the President of Ukraine, I speak openly. I don't want to say banal things that the life of every person is priceless. I applaud very much when we, as a state, do everything to save 5,7,10 people ... But once again I want to say that when people find themselves in conditions where their lives are in danger, we must be equally obligated and responsible. I do not see it at all from the side of the President's Office," Chubarov said at an online conference on Thursday.
He noted that the Mejlis tried to work on the return of refugees from territories such as Syria "in office mode" so as not to harm the people who turned to them for help. However, since August last year, this work slowed down, and then stopped, while the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people receives two or three appeals for help every week.
"As of May 2019, we compiled a list of 72 people, of which 43 were minor children from birth to 17 years old. We realized that this problem is gaining such proportions that it is urgent to involve the Ukrainian state. There were relevant appeals to state bodies," explained the chairman of the Mejlis.
Chubarov added that as of May 2019, there were about 73,000 people in the camp, of which 94% are women and children. He noted that, according to sources, there are now more than 85,000 people in Al-Hawl.
"I would like the Ukrainian real power, the one that rules Ukraine today, that exercise all powers on the basis of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, so that it fulfills its powers in this sphere too. I cannot agree that when we save citizens, they must be divided into classes," Chubarov pointed out.