New rules of adaptive quarantine take effect in Ukraine

The new rules of the adaptive quarantine, according to which Ukraine will be divided into four epidemiological zones depending on the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in regions, have taken effect from August 1 in line with respective resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 641 dated July 22.
According to the document, the adaptive quarantine in Ukraine is extended until August 31, 2020.
Depending on the epidemiological situation, all regions will be divided into green, yellow, orange and red zones.
The following rules must be observed in the green zone:
- everyone must wear protective face masks or respirators in public places;
- mass events: not more than one person per 5 square meters;
- cinema occupancy is allowed at the level of 50%;
- number of passengers must be limited by the number of seats in the vehicle.
The green zone, in addition to the green zone rules, includes the following one:
- ban on visiting social care facilities for senior citizens, except for those providing critical services.
In the orange zone, apart from the yellow zone rules, restrictions extend to:
- operation of hospitality facilities (hostels, tourist camps, etc.), except hotels;
- operation of entertainment facilities, restaurants at night;
- planned hospitalization;
- operation of gyms, fitness centers, cultural establishments;
- admission of new groups to children's camps;
- mass events: not more than one person per 20 square meters and not more 100 guests.
The red zone, in addition to the orange zone rules, includes the following restrictions:
- public transport services;
- work of educational establishments;
- operation of shopping malls, cafes and restaurants.
In addition, only an insurance certificate is required for people arriving to Ukraine from the green zone countries, while those arriving from the red zone countries must have insurance and stay on a two-week self-isolation or provide a fresh PCR test result.
According to the document, the region which has one of the following features is considered to be a region with prevalence of COVID-19 cases:
- occupancy of hospital beds by patients with confirmed COVID-19 cases exceeds 50%;
- the average number of PCR and EIA testing for COVID-19 is less than 24 per 100,000 population within last seven days;
- the rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases exceeds 11%;
- the dynamics of growth in the number of COVID-19 cases exceeds 10%;
- the index of growth in dynamics of COVID-19 incidence rate is applied in case of registration of more than eight cases per 100,000 population in general over last seven days.
The anti-epidemic measures will be introduced and cancelled in a region in line with relevant decisions of the regional commission for manmade and environmental disasters and emergencies approved upon a request of the region's chief sanitary doctor.
A region may be transferred from one zone to another if changes in one of the determined indices are observed there for five days in a row.