09:45 14.07.2020

Ukraine has more people recovered from COVID-19 than infected, some 26,205 are still sick

1 min read
Ukraine has more people recovered from COVID-19 than infected, some 26,205 are still sick

Some 638 new cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) disease were recorded in Ukraine over the past day as of Tuesday morning, including some 651 previously infected people recovered and 14 died from the disease, according to the website of the National Security and Defense Council's (NSDC) coronavirus epidemic monitoring system.

Ukraine reported 612 new COVID-19 cases on July 13, about 678 infected people on July 12 and about 800 new cases of the disease on July 11, while 819 new infected people were recorded on July 10. The absolute anti-record with 1,109 new cases was on June 26.

The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases from the beginning of the pandemic to the morning of Tuesday was 54,771 patients, some 27,154 recovered and 1,412 patients died from the disease. Today Ukraine records 26,205 cases, which are 27 less than the day before.