European Solidarity says case against General Marchenko attempt to discredit reforms of Armed Forces

European Solidarity Party has said it was prepared to provide Head of the Main Directorate for the Development and Support of Material Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmytro Marchenko, as suspect in the 'bulletproof vest case,' all the necessary legal assistance in this matter.
"The European Solidarity Party is outraged by the unmotivated persecution by the law enforcement agencies of people who in the most difficult times of the Russian aggression created powerful modern Armed Forces on the wreckage of the destroyed Ukrainian army," reads a statement from the party.
The political force believes that the case against Marchenko and other officials of the Ministry of Defense was fabricated, and the court "plays into the hands of the enemy and is an integral part of the process of destroying the reforms that have occurred in the system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Thus, European Solidarity considers such rhetoric by law enforcement officials unacceptable. The party notes that the government has shown disregard for Ukrainian soldiers and "has thrown real defenders of state behind the bars and freed the leaders of the Yanukovych regime."
European Solidarity is ready to provide General Marchenko and his colleagues with all the necessary legal assistance in this matter. We consider this precedent to be extremely dangerous and call on all patriotic forces that care about the fate of Ukraine's independence to unite against revenge and surrender," the statement said.
As reported, on Novmber 11 the Pechersky court of Kyiv arrested head of the Main Directorate of Development and Material Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmytro Marchenko for 60 days with the right to pay a bail of UAH 76 million.
On June 26, Director of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Roman Truba said that employees of the State Bureau of Investigation and the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine are conducting about 40 raids on homes of certain Defense Ministry officials, employees of commercial structures and office buildings as part of an investigation into criminal proceedings on procurements for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at inflated prices.
The tentative amount of losses incurred by the Ministry of Defense due to overpricing is about UAH 100 million, Truba said. In particular, this includes the purchase of 100,000 sets of military uniforms at inflated prices and 20,000 bulletproof vests, most of which do not match the quality characteristics.
Five defense officials are being probed in connection with a purchase of substandard bulletproof vests for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.