14:21 18.07.2019

UWC mission expects democratic, transparent and fair parliamentary elections in Ukraine

2 min read
UWC mission expects democratic, transparent and fair parliamentary elections in Ukraine

The International Mission of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) expects that the Ukrainian authorities and law enforcement agencies will ensure democratic, transparent and fair parliamentary elections.

"The mission of the UWC will monitor snap parliamentary elections scheduled for July 21 this year and will focus on the following aspects: commentary of the legal basis of the electoral process, in particular, domestic legislation and legal norms of Ukraine, as well as Ukraine's obligations to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and in the context of other international standards of democratic expression of will," said chairman of the International Mission of the World Congress of Ukrainians to observe Ukrainian elections in 2019, Eugene Czolij, at a press briefing in Kyiv on Thursday.

The UWC mission will also familiarize itself with Ukraine's readiness to ensure democratic elections and to counteract possible foreign interventions, including cyber attacks, manipulations and violations of the electoral process.

In addition, the Mission will monitor worldwide in different languages to identify possible "attempts to weaken Ukraine during this election year."

Other tasks include monitoring the election process on election day, the subsequent counting of votes and the handover of ballots from diplomatic missions abroad.

The mission will be represented by 125 long-term observers from 28 countries. They will carry out media monitoring of any facts of misinformation (in 20 languages).

The Mission also registered 143 short-term observers from 30 countries with the Central Election Commission.

Czolij noted that the UWC mission would issue four reports on the parliamentary elections in Ukraine, including three after the elections: on July 22, July 24 and the final report - eight weeks after elections.

"The mission of the UWC wishes success to the structures of power and law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in ensuring democratic, transparent and fair parliamentary elections, and also hopes that Ukrainian voters will use their constitutional right to elect the deputies of Ukraine on a large scale," said Czolij.

Earlier, the head of the international mission of the Ukrainian World Congress, Czolij, stated the growing confidence of the Ukrainian voters in the electoral system of Ukraine on the example of the presidential elections held in the spring.