Russia's aggression in Kerch Strait to be discussed at ministerial meetings of NATO, OSCE, and EU Council

The issue of Russia's aggressive actions in the Kerch Strait against Ukrainian ships will be discussed at the ministerial meetings of NATO, the OSCE and the Council of the European Union, Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz has stated.
"A meeting of NATO foreign ministers will be held next week, and the issue of Russian aggression against Ukraine in the Sea of Azov will be discussed there, and Poland will insist on it," he said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Kyiv on Saturday.
The Polish official added that this issue would be also discussed at a meeting of foreign ministers in Milan.
"I already know that the issue of Russian aggression in the waters of the Sea of Azov will also be discussed at the next meeting of the Council of the European Union on foreign affairs, which will be held next Monday," the minister said.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, in turn, informed he intends to attend the meetings in Brussels and Milan next week.