11:35 08.10.2018

Charter of Interparliamentary Assembly of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova signed in Tbilisi

2 min read
Charter of Interparliamentary Assembly of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova signed in Tbilisi

Parliamentary Speakers Irakli Kobakhidze of Georgia, Andriy Parubiy of Ukraine and Andrian Candu of Moldova signed a charter of the Interparliamentary Assembly, which has been founded by the parliaments of the three countries, in Tbilisi on Friday.

The three countries have common goals and challenges, with "the problems related to territorial integrity" being one of the main common challenges, the Georgian parliamentary speaker said at a joint press conference.

"We also pursue common goals, including ensuring the European future for our countries. In this respect, it is extremely important to expand cooperation between the three countries," Kobakhidze said.

The Assembly also seeks to jointly protect the interests of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the world in various multilateral parliamentary formats, he said.

"We try by taking joint efforts to attain that our association agreements with the European Union will turn into the prospect of joining the EU. To these ends we should share with each other the experience of reforms, which have been carried out on the path of integration in Western institutions," the Georgian parliamentary speaker said.

The platform of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will help these countries find a solution to the problem of how to ensure security of all of the three countries in order to manage to join the EU quicker, Candu said.

"All of us are members of Eastern Partnership. All of the three countries have an agreement on association, and expanded and comprehensive trade with the EU. At the same time, we face common challenges, which are related to security in that region. It is in particular territorial security, energy independence and those threats, which exist in the area of cyber security, and the problem of disinformation also exists," Candu said.

By taking joint efforts within the framework of the Interparliamentary Assembly the parliaments will manage to help the three countries join the EU as soon as possible, and tackle the challenges to security more successfully, Parubiy said.

"When we will say in one voice, our partners will hear us quicker and better [...] I am sure that together we will quicker achieve our strategic goal, that is, the accession to the EU," Parubiy said.