10:03 16.08.2018

Grinchenko University implements project to reduce CO2 emissions by 400 tonnes per year

1 min read

Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University has implemented a project on the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 400 tonnes per year, Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) has reported.

"This result was achieved thanks to the installation of three unique heat pumps in the educational building at 13-B Marshal Tymoshenko Street. The technology helped solve such important tasks as obtaining an independent source of thermal energy for heating the pool and hot water supply of the University, allows the uninterrupted use of the sports complex regardless of the condition of the city's heating networks," the administration's press service said on its official website on Wednesday, August 15.

The report notes that the new equipment will also help reduce the load on the city's heating networks, which will lead to a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.

Due to the installation of new heat pumps, the university will be able to save more than UAH 400,000 per year on hot water supply.

In addition, a powerful power generating station was installed at the university, and this reduced the payback period of investment from four-and-a-half to two-and-a-half years.