12:12 25.12.2017

Ukrainian Defense Ministry suspends TOR helmet deliveries over quality issues

1 min read
Ukrainian Defense Ministry suspends TOR helmet deliveries over quality issues

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has launched an internal inquiry into possible irregularities in the purchase and quality of TOR helmets made by UA.RPA.

"During the preliminary testing of TOR helmets questions arose about the product's quality. For the purpose of a full and objective investigation, samples were sent to the Interior Ministry's forensic science center and helmet deliveries to the national armed forces have been suspended for the duration of inquiry," the ministry said on its website on Friday.

The inquiry is objective and impartial, and the military law enforcement service uses official and verified information when submitting reports and conclusions, the ministry said. The inquiry will include an appraisal of the quality and price of the helmets provided.

"At present the Interior Ministry's forensic science center in Kyiv is conducting a physical and chemical appraisal of the helmets. The results will be made available to all those concerned and a decision will be made in accordance with the Ukrainian law," the ministry said.