Poroshenko signs law on electronic fiduciary services

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law of Ukraine on electronic fiduciary services, the presidential press service has reported.
"The document is aimed at reforming the national regulatory framework in the field of electronic digital signatures by implementing the European Union legislation, developing a single space of trust based on the system of electronic confidential services," the website of the president said.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada at second reading and as a whole adopted the law on electronic fiduciary services (No. 4685) on October 5, 2017.
The law will improve the legislation in the sphere of using the public key infrastructure and providing electronic confidential services. The adoption of the law will allow developing a single system of electronic confidential services, mutually recognize Ukrainian and foreign certificates of public keys, electronic signatures and seals.
The document defines the legal and organizational basis for providing electronic confidential services, including cross-border services, as well as the rights and obligations of legal entities in the field of electronic confidential services, the procedure for state supervision (control) over compliance with the requirements of legislation and responsibility for its violation in this area.
After the entry into force of the law, new conditions will be created that will allow providing electronic services, in particular both administrative services and services in the field of health care, finance, etc.