14:54 24.10.2017

Lutsenko says schemes used by Yanukovych to pilfer state funds are defunct

1 min read
Lutsenko says schemes used by Yanukovych to pilfer state funds are defunct

Schemes for pilfering state funds under disgraced ex-President Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014) no longer exist, chief of Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) Yuriy Lutsenko has said.

"The main schemes used under Yanukovych have been liquidated by the current authorities," Lutsenko said at a meeting of regional development in Kyiv on Tuesday.

The PGO chief said Yanukovych and his cronies stole about $40 billion.

"That means that every four years the mafia stole one annual [state] budget," Lutsenko said.

"Let's see if these schemes still exist? Doubling the price of gas, used by Kurchenko, Azarov and other high ranking officials? No, thanks to the president, government and parliament this can no longer be done. Budget financing of the coal industry, which was created by the Donetsk mafia? No longer exists. Uncontrollable government coal purchases and 50% kickbacks are no longer possible. The Prozorro system has been implemented," Lutsenko said.

"Yes, these systems require refinement. I know of many problems, but the systemic accumulation of money via the vertical [system of power] no longer exists. It has been taken apart. It is time now to rip out the roots of these old schemes," Lutsenko said.