17:53 09.08.2017

Russian online portals out of top ten most popular websites in Ukraine

1 min read

The blocking of Russian Internet resources in Ukraine has significantly changed the situation with the popular websites of the Ukrainian audience and by the end of July this year Russian websites dropped out of ten most popular online portals in Ukraine, according to a CMeter research conducted by Kantar TNS.

According to a press release posted on Kantar TNS' website, the top ten popular sites in Ukraine in July are as follows: google.com.ua and google.com (the coverage of 84.08%), youtube.com (72.57%), facebook.com (55.41%), olx.ua (46,44%), wikipedia.org (40.1%), privatbank.ua and privat24.ua (40.37%), rozetka.com.ua (38.06%), ukr.net (32.05%), prom.ua (29.81%), and sinoptik.ua (28.79%).

At the same time, the company notes that despite the ban, Vk.com, Mail.ru, Yandex.ua still remain in the Ukrainian top rating, but already outside the top ten resources.

Despite the fact that Facebook became the most popular social network in Ukraine, Vk.com, which ranks 11th, in July increased the coverage in comparison with June (from 23.8% to 26.42%). Instagram.com is also actively growing (in June 17.88%, in July 19.44%). But Ok.ru dropped out of the top 25 online portals and in July gained 12.63%.