14:23 06.04.2017

Two criminal gang leaders expelled from Ukraine – Kniazev

1 min read
Two criminal gang leaders expelled from Ukraine – Kniazev

During the last 24 hours the National Police of Ukraine criminal investigators have expelled two citizens of Georgia, criminal gang leaders known as Gia and Tengo Galsky," police chief Serhiy Kniazev said on Thursday.

"Gia, 39, a citizen of Georgia, spent 12 years in jail for committing serious crimes," the National Police said on its website.

According to Kniazev, 34-year old criminal boss Tengiz Chara, known by his nickname Tengo Galsky, was sentenced by a Tbilisi court to 11 years in jail.

Criminal investigators in Kyiv arrested Tengo in Kyiv last year and expelled him for three years, but he returned.

"Tengo attempted to continue his criminal career. However, criminal detectives found out about it and expelled him for the second time," Kniazev said.