11:30 07.11.2016

NABU checking e-declarations of 20 officials loving cash

1 min read
NABU checking e-declarations of 20 officials loving cash

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) is checking e-declarations of 20 officials and politicians who mentioned in their e-declarations the largest sums in cash, NABU Director Artem Sytnyk has said.

"The check has been launched for most declarations… We cannot pass by top 20 lovers of cash as journalists called them and we have started checking them," he said during the discussion on operations of NABU in Kyiv on Saturday.

He said that if grounds appear information will be added to the register of pretrial investigations.

Sytnyk said that there would be more applications to NABU after expiration of the seven-day period permitting amending e-declarations.