Ukraine receives more than 450 pieces of demining equipment under NATO program

Ukraine has received 456 pieces of special equipment under the year-long NATO humanitarian program, "Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Program," Chairperson of Ukraine's Permanent Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Iryna Friz has said.
"As a result of the conflict in Ukraine, large swathes of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, almost 7,000 square kilometers, have been polluted with explosive devices and must be cleared of mines and shells. NATO's Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Program has significantly improved security for munitions experts, who are carrying out demining activities. During the course of the project in Ukraine some 456 pieces of equipment for carrying out the work were supplied," Friz said on her Facebook page.
She said the equipment included Med-Eng EOD 9 bomb suits, Vallon VMH3CS metal detectors, dual sensor mine detectors, deep search and bomb locators, protective eyewear, Individual Personal Protection Equipment, as well as four FORD RENGER P375 vehicles for transporting munitions and experts to mined areas.