12:48 29.09.2016

MP Friz links NATO support to democratic development in Ukraine

1 min read
MP Friz links NATO support to democratic development in Ukraine

Chairman of the Permanent Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Iryna Friz (the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko faction) has stated that NATO support requires efforts from Ukrainian authorities to reforming the security sector and clear signals of changes.

According to the press service of the Solidarnist Party, she stated this at a meeting of the joint Ukraine-NATO working group on the military reform at a high level in Brussels.

"In this context, the issues of reforming, improving the efficiency and transparency of the security sector pass through the development of parliamentary-democratic control. The issue of the accelerated development of parliamentary and democratic control in the security sector is one of the priorities," Friz said.

She noted Ukraine has legislation in the field of parliamentary and democratic control but it does not work.