11:41 21.09.2016

Draft budget: Financing of state programs to treat seriously ill people to be increased by UAH 2 bln

2 min read
Draft budget: Financing of state programs to treat seriously ill people to be increased by UAH 2 bln

The bill on Ukraine's national budget for 2017 foresees the increase of financing of state programs to treat seriously ill patients by UAH 2 billion, to UAH 5.9 billion.

The Patients of Ukraine charitable foundation has reported that the funds will be sent to buy medicines under cancer, HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and other disease programs.

In particular, funding of patients with TB is increased by UAH 323 million, with HIV - by UAH 484 million, with pediatric and adult oncology - by UAH 205 and 47 million, respectively, with adult hemophilia - by UAH 301 million, with phenylketonuria – by UAH 39 million, with hepatitis - by UAH 14 million, with cardiovascular diseases — by UAH 43 million. Moreover, additional funds are allocated for treatment of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (by 218 million UAH).

The draft 2017 budget earlier foresaw the provision of UAH 3.9 billion to finance purchase of medicines.

The Patients of Ukraine said that this was achieved thanks to cooperation of patient organizations with authorities.

Additional 34,000 HIV-positive patients will receive treatment next year. Ukraine will provide treatment for additional 25,000 TB patients. Additional 600 patients will receive access to modern medicines against hepatitis C.

Owing to this reform in 2015 it became possible to save for Ukraine UAH 790 million, as compared to 2014, the foundation said.