Ukrainian Foreign Ministry asks Russian authorities to provide safety for National Cultural Center staff in Moscow

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has expressed its outrage at disruption of events organized at Ukraine's National Cultural Center in Moscow on the occasion of the country's 25th independence anniversary, and urged Russia to ensure safety for the center's staff and premises in future.
"With regard to the continued provocations around the Ukrainian National Cultural Center in Moscow, in particular, the disruption of the events on the occasion of the 25th Ukrainian Independence anniversary by radically-minded individuals on August 16, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has resolutely urged Russia to strictly honor its international legal obligations concerning the work of cultural centers," the Ukrainian ministry said in a commentary on Wednesday.
In particular, it has called for "exhaustive measures" to provide safety for the staff and premises of the Ukrainian National Cultural Center in Moscow and prevent such provocations.
A relevant note has been sent to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.
Earlier media reports said that representatives of youth organizations disrupted a lecture on the history of independent Ukraine at its National Cultural Center in Moscow on August 16.