Interior Ministry to complete certification of police officers by autumn

The Interior Ministry of Ukraine plans to complete certification of police officers by autumn this year, while 30% of chief police officers have not passed certification, Interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov has said.
"Certification of police officers is at the final stage. We will complete the process this summer," Avakov said at a briefing in Kyiv.
He stressed a significant percentage of law enforcement officers "do not meet the certification framework." In particular, 30% of the police management staff has not been certified.
Head of the National Police of Ukraine Khatia Dekanoidze, in turn, noted certification is problematic in Lviv. There were "misunderstandings there due to politics involved."
In general, speaking about the process of re-certification of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, Dekanoidze stressed "nearly 30,000 people throughout Ukraine have been certified. Some 4,000 people have not passed certification."