Ukrainian Interior Minister Avakov warns his resignation may lead to coalition's breakup

Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov warns that his resignation would be unacceptable at the present time, as this could entail consequences detrimental to the country.
"It's a very simple composition. I understand very well that, with all discussions, both open and not open… There is a composition that makes it possible at least, somehow, to pursue the process of reforms and enables us to keep the military situation and economic stability [under control]," Avakov said on the 1+1 television channel on Thursday evening.
"If I resign, not to mention if the prime minister resigns, this means the coalition's breakup and the parliament's dissolution, because there will be no other coalition format," he said.
The coalition's breakup would mean the discontinuation of IMF loans, the fall of the hryvnia, problems with gas supply, and disruptions in funding the armed forces, he said.