19:05 23.07.2015

Groysman calls on EP to consider passing resolution in favor of MH17 disaster tribunal

2 min read
Groysman calls on EP to consider passing resolution in favor of MH17 disaster tribunal

Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Groysman has called on the European Parliament (EP) to consider passing a special resolution in support of setting up an international criminal tribunal to bring to account those responsible for Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 disaster during the next plenary sitting of the European Parliament on September 7-10.

The issue was discussed during a meeting between Groysman and Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs Elmar Brok in Kyiv on Thursday.

Groysman expressed his gratitude for an open letter which was signed by 82 MEPs asking the governments of EU member states to support the creation of the tribunal.

"All guilty persons must be found and punished," he said.

Groysman also asked his European colleagues to ensure the presence European parliamentarians in legal proceedings against Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in Russia, including MP Nadia Savchenko.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed near the village of Hrabove, not far from the town of Torez, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine on July 17, 2014. All 283 passengers and 15 crewmembers aboard the plane were killed.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recently urged the United Nations and the international community to support the establishment of an international tribunal to prosecute those responsible for the downing of flight MH17.