16:26 26.05.2015

Cabinet to set up national mobile network for state agencies – decree

2 min read
Cabinet to set up national mobile network for state agencies – decree

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to create a national mobile communications network for state authorities.

The decision is stipulated in government order No. 523-r on approving the plan of priority measures to set up a national mobile communications network for state authorities for 2015 dated May 20, 2015, the text of which has been posted on its website.

"To approve the plan of priority measures for the creation of the national network of mobile communications for state authorities for 2015. Determine the administration of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection as the main executor of the plan of measures approved by this decree," reads the document.

According to the report, it is planned by September this year to implement a number of activities. Among them is defining special users' needs for mobile communications means and systems, preparing proposals for the selection of technological platform of mobile radio systems for specific groups of special users, demonstrating pilot projects of existing mobile communications systems for special applications.

It is also planned to prepare technical requirements for the development of the conceptual design of the said national system, proposals to ensure the implementation of the system, in particular with respect to legislative changes (if necessary), and provide radio frequency resources and issue necessary permits.