17:25 18.01.2013

Mining supervision service: Accident at Komsomolets Donbasu mine caused by misclassification of gas content

1 min read

The cause of the accident at the DTEK Komsomolets Donbasu mine in Donetsk region, which killed three miners, was the misclassification of gas content, according to the conclusions of the commission of the territorial department of the State Service for Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety of Ukraine, which investigated the incident.

According to a statement posted on the Web site of the service, because of the misclassification, the mine did not switch on time to production through drilling and blasting.

As reported, there was a methane gas explosion at Komsomolets Donbasu Mine at 0520 on January 3 in the conveyer entry of the second western face of the 14th bed, at section 5. Four workers were in the accident zone. One of them emerged from the blast area unaided. Three miners were killed.