Closed-cycle production of fuzes for artillery shells established at Shostka State Plant Impulse

The Shostka State Plant Impulse (Shostka, Sumy region), part of the Ukrboronprom state concern, opened a new production complex on Tuesday where all the necessary parts for artillery shells and missile weapons will be produced.
Thanks to the launch of a new workshop at the plant, a complete production cycle of artillery ammunition and missile weapons was formed, the website of Ukroboronprom said.
Some 101 computerized high-tech machine and equipment for the production of component parts for detonators were installed in the workshop. "High-precision machines have a free set of tools that are capable of manufacturing the entire range of components for detonators," said Andriy Artiushenko, the director of the precision weapons and ammunition division of the Ukroboronprom.
Virtually for the first time in the history of Ukraine, a new production complex has been established on the basis of the Shostka State Plant Impulse. With design technological documentation available, this complex is capable of producing the required amounts of the entire range of igniting sets for all artillery and missile weapons, in particular, all types of fuzes and other components for ammunition, the NSDC website said.
On Tuesday, the plant successfully tested the pilot batch of the B-429 fuze, the next stage is the field tests. Twenty-five people are already working in the workshop. It is expected that with full workload, 45 specialists will be involved.
The workshop has been equipped for nine months, its cost amounted to UAH 282 million. According to the NSDC secretary Danilov, from the beginning of next year, the enterprise is ready for the serial production of B-429 fuzes and other elements of fire chains on the highest-class equipment. "Ukraine can be proud. The decision to renovate the Impulse plant was made last year, and thanks to the efforts of its staff and the top management, this task has been completed one hundred percent," he noted.
"Due to the renewal of the capacity of the Impulse plant, we are able to fully satisfy the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine," the Ukroboronprom said.