Mobile communications operator lifecell jointly with Lanet to launch convergent tariff line

The National Commission for Communications and Informatization Regulation (NCCR) under an application of the lifecell mobile communications operator has issued a copy of the lifecell's license to Lanet company, the regulator has reported on its website.
The copy of the license was issued to Lanet without the right to service and operate the telcom networks, allowing the use of cable duckwork and issuing phone numbers to consumers within the number resource that lifecell LLC has.
"The result of this partnership will be integrated services based on convergent solutions that will open up new opportunities for subscribers of both companies," the lifecell's press service told Interfax-Ukraine.
Earlier, lifecell "shared" a license for mobile communication with the providers Volia and Vega, launching a number of convergent services with them within the framework of a universal service cheque.
The operator lifecell is the third largest mobile operator in Ukraine. The lifecell network covers the territory where 99% of the population of Ukraine lives.
Lanet provides cable television and Internet access in most districts of Kyiv city. According to analysts, as of 2014, Lanet served more than 125,000 subscribers.