11:06 05.07.2016

Trucks carrying Ukrainian goods to Kazakhstan stranded on Russian-Belarusian border

2 min read
Trucks carrying Ukrainian goods to Kazakhstan stranded on Russian-Belarusian border

Approximately 50 trucks carrying Ukrainian goods for Kazakh companies are stranded on the Russian-Belarusian border, Kazakhstan's Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs said.

Ten of the trucks belong to Kazakh transport companies. The trucks were stopped in accordance with Russia's temporary ban on transit of Ukrainian commodities and goods routed to Kazakhstan from third countries via Ukraine imposed on July 1, the report said.

According to Atameken, those vehicles crossed the external border of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) before July 1 and arrived at the Krasnoye checkpoint on June 30.

The National Chamber asked Kazakh businessmen for facts and information evidencing that the trucks carrying goods for Kazakh companies came to Russia before the order took effect and were stranded there.

The information will be submitted to the Finance Ministry's State Revenue Committee so that a decision to let the trucks cross into Kazakhstan can be made via interdepartmental contacts between Kazakh and Russian customs authorities, it said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin modified Order No 1, dated January 1, 2016, 'On Measures Ensuring Economic Security and National Interests of the Russian Federation in International Cargo Transit from the Territory of Ukraine to the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan across the Territory of the Russian Federation'. The amendments applied regulations on cargo traffic from Ukraine across Russia both to Kazakhstan and to Kyrgyzstan.