Ukraine imposes embargo on some goods from Russia from Jan 10 until Aug 5, 2016 or until Russia lifts food embargo against Ukraine

Embargo on some goods from Russia introduced by the Ukrainian government in response to the Russian sanctions will be in effect from January 10 until at least August 5, 2016.
According to cabinet resolution No. 1147 of December 30, 2015 posted on the government's website on January 2, imports of goods of Russian origin to Ukraine is banned until August 5, 2016. The goods in the list attached to the resolution are banned from imports to Ukraine.
"The resolution will take effect from January 10, 2016… The resolution will become void on August 5, 2016 or when Russia lifts the ban on import of Ukrainian agricultural goods, products and raw materials," the government said.
As reported, Ukraine's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade designed proposals in cooperation with other Ukrainian state agencies on the retaliatory sanctions that are to be imposed following the Russian actions. Specifically, the sanctions would include the introduction of a most favored nation entrance duty for Russian goods starting from January 2, 2016 and the ban on importation of some Russian goods, beginning January 10, 2016.
The ministry proposes to introduce an embargo on imports of certain Russian foods, and in particular, of meat, fish, a number of dairy products, all kinds of processed cheese, coffee, tea, food mixtures, pastry, rolls and breads, baby foods, pastas, sauces; taste improvers and spices, beer, spirits, vodka, dog food, and filtered cigarettes.
Aside from that, the proposed Ukrainian list of the embargoed products includes, unlike the Russian one, potassium chloride containing a portion of potassium, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemicals to prevent sprouting and plant growth regulators, rodenticides, synthetic coatings for sausage-like products, equipment for railways or tramway tracks, and diesel-electric locomotives.