Border guards do not take into account Reserve+ app when crossing border

Border guards do not take into account the Reserve+ application when citizens cross the border; only paper military registration documents are accepted, which are issued at territorial recruitment centers, said Andriy Demchenko, speaker of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
"This is exclusively for updating your data (the Reserve + application), and this is exclusively for citizens. Because at the border our employees do not take this application into account. We are checking exclusively a paper document - a military registration document with the appropriate marks on those persons for whom we have now additionally begun to check the presence of this document," he said during the telethon.
The speaker also noted that since March 2024, information interaction between databases has been established between the State Border Guard Service and the Ministry of Defense.
"These are actually the databases of our department and the Oberih system, where, if necessary, as an additional tool, border guards can use it to check whether a person is using fake documents by checking information about this person in the Oberih system," said Demchenko.
Later, at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine in Kyiv, the speaker emphasized that border guards only accept military registration documents issued at territorial recruitment centers.
"If we talk about any applications that military personnel use to update their data in systems about themselves, we do not accept them. Exclusively a military registration document, which was issued by the territorial recruitment center and which contains the necessary marks for deferment or exclusion of military registration," Demchenko said.
The State Border Guard Service also clarified that the government resolution, which was published on May 17, provides for a military registration document in electronic form, but "the applications that everyone is now paying attention to are not a military registration document in electronic form."