Leaders of U.S. Congress expect to agree on aid package for Ukraine by year end – media

Congressional leaders hope to agree on a military aid package for Ukraine and Israel, as well as improvements to the U.S. immigration system, by the end of the year, NBCnews reported on Sunday, November 19.
Senate leaders, both Republicans and Democrats, believe the best path to writing a bill that can pass both chambers and get President Joe Biden's signature likely comes from the Senate, where there is room for bipartisan negotiations.
At the same time, the publication said, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, made it clear that providing additional aid would be his top priority between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
"I know both sides genuinely care about approving aid to Israel and Ukraine and helping innocent civilians in Gaza," Schumer said from the Senate floor Wednesday. "So I hope we can come to an agreement even if neither side gets everything they insist on. But it - we will be working on it immediately when we get back after Thanksgiving."