Situation with US support may change for Ukraine if right-wing gets into next American political cycle – Hawke

The situation with U.S. support for Ukraine may change if the Right gets into the next American political cycle, Mykel Hawke, U. S. Army Special Forces Officer, Captain (retired 2011), combat veteran said.
“We are going through an unprecedented political turmoil in the States, the likes of which I've never seen in my lifetime. I never imagined after being in nine different wars, that I would see this kind of rhetoric and talks amongst American people. In my opinion the sad part is that the Right is playing very dirty, they're lying, they're cheating, they're stealing and they have a lot of money. So they have a chance to get into the next political cycle. If they do, I do believe that they will stop or severely reduce the support for Ukraine. That is a real concern for all of us here at home. We're doing our best. But yes, you are right, that could change in the next political cycle,” Hawke said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, now the majority of Americans absolutely support Ukraine.
“I think there are may be 20-25% of Americans, most of them very right wing, sort of GOP Republican, Trump people who support Russia still because Trump supported Russia and we all know why, we have our opinions on that (maybe the law will find out soon enough). But because of Trump's support of Putin there's a percentage of people in America that support Russia, believe it or not, despite everything that they've seen,” Hawke said.
He added that these people do not understand that Ukraine is fighting for the whole world, for the whole balance of good and evil, and that this is a struggle that Americans believe in.
“Most Americans believe and support you but there's that percent that pushes back so it makes hard for political people to continue to help. We keep doing it because President Biden 100% believe in you. We all watched what Trump did to Ukraine for his political advantage and we saw how wrong it was. But Biden is supporting Ukraine just because it's the right thing,” Hawke said.