Some 92% of Ukrainians believe country to repel Russian aggression, 57% believe it to be in coming weeks - poll

In Ukraine, 92% of citizens are convinced that the country will be able to repel an attack by the Russian Federation, and this figure is growing almost every day, according to a study conducted by the Rating sociological group on March 8-9.
Some 6% of respondents do not have such confidence. Belief in victory dominates in all regions of the country.
Some 57% of respondents believe that Ukraine will be able to win the war with the Russian Federation in the coming weeks, in particular, 18% of respondents think that Ukraine will win within one week, 39% - in a few weeks. Another 18% believe that the war will continue for several months, only 9% think that the war will end in six months or a year. There are almost no those who do not believe in victory at all. Some 16% found it difficult to answer this question. The most optimistic are the inhabitants of the western region, but in other areas, the majority believe that the war will not last long.
Some 91% of respondents, thinking about the situation in the country, have hope. Only 6% feel impasse. In all regions, there is a maximum level of feeling of hope.
During the study, 1,200 respondents over 18 years of age were interviewed in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, using the CATI method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews - telephone interviews using a computer). The error of the representativeness of the study with a confidence probability of 0.95: no more than 2.8%.