19:07 26.02.2022

Ombudsman: since start of military aggression by Russia 5 children killed in shelling, another 33 wounded

2 min read
Ombudsman: since start of military aggression by Russia 5 children killed in shelling, another 33 wounded

Ombudsman: since start of military aggression by Russia 5 children killed in shelling, another 33 wounded

KYIV. Feb 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova has said that five children have been killed and 33 more have been injured since the beginning of Russia's military aggression.

"The military invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine has terrible consequences for the entire population. The most significant loss is human lives, especially children's lives. According to operational data, since the start of hostilities by the aggressor, 5 children have died from enemy shelling, and 33 more have been injured," Denisova wrote on her Facebook page on Saturday.

According to her, only in the past 24 hours, due to the collapse of cars from the destroyed bridge of the Kyiv-Kovel-Yahodyn highway, a boy of approximately 8 years old was killed; National Children's Specialized Hospital Okhmatdet in Kyiv, a seven-year-old boy was taken to the hospital in critical condition due to gunshot wounds. The child is in intensive care in critical condition, and during an air strike on the city of Sartana, Donetsk region, a child was killed.

According to Denisova, in Sumy region, enemy aircraft scatter children's toys, mobile phones and valuables stuffed with explosives.

"The actions of the Russian Federation violate the right to life of children, guaranteed by Article 6 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and will certainly become key evidence in the course of the investigation by the Hague Court of war crimes committed by the aggressor state during the invasion of Ukraine," the ombudsman said.

Denisova said: "I ask the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Red Cross Society to provide humanitarian and medical assistance to affected children and their families under martial law in Ukraine."

"No child should be a victim of war!" she said.