14:57 15.10.2021

UNESCO presents report on further deterioration of human rights situation in Crimea – Foreign Ministry

1 min read
UNESCO presents report on further deterioration of human rights situation in Crimea – Foreign Ministry

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay has presented a report on the annexed Crimea, in particular, the further deterioration of the human rights situation, at the 212nd session of the UNESCO Executive Board"Follow-up of the situationin theAutonomous RepublicofCrimea(Ukraine)," the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine said.

The Russian occupation administration continues to disregard international humanitarian law, systematically resort to political persecution, commit cultural and religious oppression, the educational process has turned into a deliberate erasure of Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar national identity, the report says.

It is noted that information for the report was provided by Ukraine and UNESCO's institutional partners, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and Amnesty International.

Hope was also expressed that this information would subsequently be supplemented by direct monitoring by UNESCO on the ground, to which the Russian Federation is currently blocking access to the peninsula by international monitoring missions.