14:10 09.10.2021

Health Ministry intends to expand list of professions with compulsory vaccination – Radutsky

1 min read
Health Ministry intends to expand list of professions with compulsory vaccination – Radutsky

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine intends to expand the list of professions for which vaccination against coronavirus (COVID-19) disease is compulsory, Head of the Parliament Committee on Public Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance Mykhailo Radutsky has said.

"In the list of professions for which vaccination is a condition of admission to the workplace, all employees of government agencies, organizations and enterprises, social and postal workers are planned to be included," Radutsky said on Facebook.

Earlier it was reported that employees of central executive authorities and their territorial bodies, local state administrations and their structural divisions, institutions of all levels of education, including extracurricular, institutions of specialized education, and scientific institutions, regardless of the type and form of ownership, are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.