Kuleba: UN disregards Crimea Platform summit for political reasons

The United Nations (UN) disregarded the Crimea Platform summit, which took place in Kyiv on August 23, and was not represented at it for political reasons, so Ukraine will speak with the leadership of the organization about the inadmissibility of such a relationship, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has said.
"This happened absolutely for political reasons, and we will talk with the leadership of the organization about the inadmissibility of such an attitude, since the key task of the UN is precisely to support peace and security," Kuleba said at an online briefing on Thursday.
The Ukrainian Foreign Minister said the UN should defend the principles, not the interests of individual states that violate international law.
"When we see the participation of such respected organizations as the Council of Europe, NATO, GUAM in the summit of the Crimea platform, and the UN deliberately disregards this event, this tells us about the state of affairs in the organization itself, and about its understanding of its role and mission in the world. Frankly speaking, diplomatically, that this is a wrong understanding, which we will change, as it is necessary to protect the principles, and not the interests of individual states that violate international law," Kuleba said.