Permanent intl media monitoring mission on disinformation about Ukraine, Ukrainian diaspora starts working

The Permanent International Media Monitoring Mission on Disinformation about Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, founded by the non-governmental organization Ukraine-2050, has begun its activities.
"The main challenge for the international community, in particular for Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, is to raise awareness of disinformation among the population and a better understanding of the dangers of using information without knowing its sources and motives," President of the non-governmental organization Ukraine-2050, President of the Ukrainian World Congress (2008-2018) Eugene Czolij said at an online conference on Friday.
According to him, this issue is even more urgent in Ukraine, as since 2014 Russia has openly waged a powerful hybrid aggression against Ukraine in order to regain control over it.
Czolij pointed out that on January 25, 2021, the non-governmental organization Ukraine-2050 began organizational work to deploy a permanent international media monitoring mission, which will carry out monitoring of media outlets, social networks and other information resources in different countries of the world on disinformation about Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. This mission will analyze the results of this monitoring and take effective measures to help counteract such disinformation, including by sending appeals to the relevant state bodies and administrators of the media outlets, social networks and other information resources in order to exclude disinformation about Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora and block the sources of such disinformation.
"As of today, our mission has 164 members. All are volunteers from 55 countries who will carry out media monitoring in 41 languages," he said.