16:24 29.05.2021

Zelensky urges govt to improve certain provisions of law On Corruption Prevention

3 min read

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Improvement of Certain Aspects of Declaration" No. 1443-IX, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted on April 29 this year, the press service of the head of state reports.

The law improves the anti-corruption declaration campaign by persons authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government in the current year.

In particular, the document introduces a lower limit of 0.25 of the subsistence level, up to which the transfer of securities of a joint-stock company (JSC) to management is not carried out.

In addition, the law removes from the declaration the numbers of accounts in which uncompensated savings of the USSR Sberbank are stored, and currency exchange operations. Such transactions also do not require filing a notice of significant changes in property status.

At the same time, the head of state sent a letter to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, in which he urged the government to urgently prepare and submit to the Verkhovna Rada a draft amendment to the law "On Preventing Corruption" in order to increase the transparency of the declaration procedure.

In particular, Zelensky focuses on the need to clearly define the period during which no restrictions will apply to an official after his appointment or election regarding the termination of entrepreneurial activity or the termination of his powers in the board, supervisory boards of companies.

In addition, according to the president, a 30-day period should be restored, during which officials are required to transfer their enterprises and corporate rights to the management of others.

The provision also requires clarification that the requirements for transferring management to another person aren't applied specifically in terms of shares of a joint-stock company with an aggregate nominal value of not more than 0.25 of the minimum subsistence level, in which the person is appointed or elected to the position, and which in total do not exceed 5% of the voting shares of the joint-stock company, the head of state notes in his letter.

Zelensky notes the need for mandatory declaration of transactions for the purchase/sale of foreign currency by the subjects of declaring or their family members, if the amount exceeds 50 living wages.

The President is also in favor of the resumption of the mandatory full verification of the declarations of persons holding the positions of adviser or assistant to the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and a special verification of applicants for these positions.