09:37 12.05.2021

Medvedchuk stays in Ukraine, "not going to hide" - Opposition Platform party

1 min read
Medvedchuk stays in Ukraine, "not going to hide" - Opposition Platform party

MP of Ukraine of the Opposition Platform - For Life faction Viktor Medvedchuk, to whom Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova signed a suspicion, confirmed that he is in Ukraine and is not going to hide from justice.

"Today, following an illegal order of the authorities, the Prosecutor General's Office, grossly violating the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, conducted searches at my home and office. As expected, nothing illegal was found. The real purpose of these illegal searches was, in violation of the established procedure, to hand me a suspicion of high treason fabricated by order of the authorities," Medvedchuk said in a statement published on the website of the Opposition Platform - For Life party on Tuesday evening.

Medvedchuk is sure that the suspicion written out to him by Prosecutor General Venediktova is a political reprisal.

"Everything that happens to me is a political reprisal for my principled political position. I declare that I am in Ukraine and do not intend to hide from justice. I will continue to participate in legal investigative actions and seek justice both for myself and for of all Ukrainian voters who entrusted me with the high title of MP of Ukraine," Medvedchuk said.