09:59 17.02.2021

Application filed for registering Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in Ukraine - Health Ministry's Expert Center

1 min read
Application filed for registering Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in Ukraine - Health Ministry's Expert Center

 An application has been filed for registering the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in Ukraine.

"An application for the state registration of the Comirnaty vaccine made by Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium on terms of emergency use authorization was filed via the Health Ministry's one-stop window today. The application was quickly registered and directed to the State Expert Center later today for expert evaluation and verification of registration materials," Director of the Ukrainian Health Ministry's State Expert Center Mykhailo Babenko said.

The State Expert Center is processing another two applications for registering coronavirus vaccines on terms of emergency use authorization, namely the Covishield vaccine of the Serum Institute of India and the Coronavac vaccine of Sinovac Life Sciences (China), he said.

The Health Ministry was planning to begin vaccination for COVID-19 using two vaccines: the vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech (117,000 doses to be received via the COVAX mechanism) and the vaccine from AstraZeneca (1 million doses procured directly at the Ukrainian budget's expense and 2.2-3.7 million doses received via the COVAX mechanism).