Klitschko: Cost of heating, hot water supply services won't change in current heating season in Kyiv

In the current heating season, the cost of services for heating and hot water supply in the capital will not change, said mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko.
"The issue of tariffs is brought up every heating season. The cost of electricity and gas, which are the main components for heat production and hot water supply, is increasing. And this is the reason for revising tariffs for heat and hot water," the mayor said during an online briefing.
He emphasized that Kyiv has grounded and approved calculations, but this heating season the cost of heating and hot water supply services will not change.
"Residents of apartment buildings will pay for utilities at the 2019 tariffs," the mayor said.
According to him, Kyiv residents can affect the amount in bills for communal services today. Thus, nearly 800 houses have already taken advantage of the city's energy saving programs. Thermal modernization of houses can reduce utility bills by two-three times.
"And the capital continues to implement such programs. For 2021, we have allocated more than UAH 150 million from the budget for energy saving measures. One can learn more about how to join the city programs on the website of Kyiv City State Administration," Klitschko said.
As reported, on December 28, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers canceled the preferential tariff for the first 100 kW of electricity. Tariffs for heat and electricity have increased in Ukraine from January 1, 2021.