17:25 25.10.2020

European Solidarity notes low level of organization of local elections

2 min read

The European Solidarity party notes the low level of organization of the electoral process at the local elections in Ukraine on Sunday.

"Today, the election day has demonstrated a very low level of organization of the electoral process in Ukraine," Head of the electoral headquarters of the European Solidarity party Oleksandr Turchynov has said at a briefing on Sunday.

According to him, many polling stations opened with a significant delay, many members of election commissions, both precinct and territorial ones, did not go to their workplaces and "unfortunately, the organization of the voting itself also does not meet European standards at many polling stations."

He showed photographs indicating that some polling stations did not have voting booths and voters filled out ballot papers in front of everyone.

"The main difference between these elections, unfortunately, is the return of our country to large falsifications, as it was during the times of Viktor Yanukovych," Turchynov said, adding that this problem concerns almost all regions of Ukraine.

He also accused the authorities of using administrative resources. "When we talk about poor preparation for the vote, we cannot rule out that this was done deliberately so that certain candidates from certain political forces, in particular from opposition forces, could not receive the required number of votes," Turchynov said.

According to him, all violations recorded by the European Solidarity party's observers have been documented and will be referred to law enforcement agencies.

The head of the European Solidarity electoral headquarters called mass campaigning for the ruling party under the guise of the presidential poll as a "criminal sign" of the current elections. "Moreover, this mass campaign is taking place either near the polling stations or, it is very important, right at the polling stations," he said.

Turchynov also said that European Solidarity will conduct a parallel vote count.