14:51 05.09.2020

Situation in Crimea and Donbas put on agenda of next session of UN General Assembly

1 min read
Situation in Crimea and Donbas put on agenda of next session of UN General Assembly

The UN General Assembly at its 75th session will consider the situation in the occupied territories of the Crimean peninsula and certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Emine Dzhaparova has stated.

"We are grateful to the partners for including in the draft agenda of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly the discussion of the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. We continue to fight. We have something to say about the statement 'We are not there' and 'Crimea is ours'," she said on Facebook.

Dzhaparova specified that 81 members of parliament supported including the issue in the agenda of the session, while 17 opposed it.