Adaptive quarantine decree comes into force in Ukraine from May 22 to June 22

The Government of Ukraine published Decree No. 392 of May 20 "On the establishment of quarantine to prevent the spread of acute respiratory illness COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the mitigation of anti-epidemic measures in Ukraine."
"To establish adaptive quarantine with the aim of preventing the spread in Ukraine ... of COVID-19 ... from May 22 to June 22, 2020 in the territory of [all regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv and Sevastopol, referred to as regions are listed], taking into account the epidemic situation in the region, extending throughout the territory of Ukraine is subject to the quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers Decree No. 211 of March 11, 2020," the document says.
According to it, weakening of anti-epidemic measures is being introduced in the regions with a favorable epidemic situation, according to the plan previously announced by the Ministry of Health.
"The weakening of anti-epidemic measures is applied and terminated in the region on the basis of the decision of the regional commission on technogenic and environmental safety and emergency situations, which is made taking into account the assessment of the epidemic situation and the presence of signs in the region to weaken the anti-epidemic measures defined by this decree," the document says.
The decision to weaken anti-epidemic measures is reviewed at least once every seven days, taking into account the results of the assessment of the current epidemic situation in the region.
Signs of weakening quarantine are the following: incidence (the total number of new cases of COVID-19 over the past seven days per 100,000 people) of less than 12 people per 100,000 people; the occupancy of beds allocated for the fight against COVID-19 is less than 50%; the average number of tests by PCR and EIA over 12 per 100,000 population over the past seven days.
According to the decree, subject to the necessary conditions, hotels without restaurants, public and regional transport will start operating in the regions on May 22, subject to restrictions on the number of participants, it will be possible to conduct religious (1 person per 10 sq. m) and sports (up to 50 participants, without spectators) events.
Starting May 25, it is planned to launch the metro subject to the use of masks and respirators. Kindergartens will open.
From June 1, subject to compliance with the anti-epidemic requirements, fitness centers will be able to operate (except for group classes of more than 10 people), the activities of educational institutions in groups of no more than 10 people will resume, interregional transport will be allowed.
From June 10, cafes and restaurants will be able to resume work in the premises, the activities of cultural institutions and the full-fledged operation of hotels and hostels will resume.
Starting June 15, resumption of air travel is planned.