12:29 17.04.2020

US firmly supports SMM work in Donbas, urges Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory – U.S. Chargé d'Affaires in Ukraine

2 min read
US firmly supports SMM work in Donbas, urges Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory – U.S. Chargé d'Affaires in Ukraine

Chargé d'Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Kristina A. Kvien has expressed a firm support to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Donbas and called Russia to cease destabilizing behavior in the region.

"The COVID-19 pandemic continues, I would like to thank the OSCE a Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine for its dedicated efforts under challenging circumstances. The men and women of the SMM play a vital role in preserving a regional stability. And they continue to do this today despite the health risks over COVID-19," said Kvien in a statement posted by the U.S. Embassy in Twitter.

According to her, recently the SMM has faced new and unacceptable challenges. Russia's influenced media falsely claim the SMM was responsible for the spread of COVID-19 in the east of Ukraine, meanwhile Russia and its poxes has increased restrictions on the movement of the SMM in Donbas.

"Russia and its proxies are not just harming the work of SMM but they are harming the people of the east of Ukraine in preventing the flow of humanitarian goods. Life-saving delivery of humanitarian aid and repairs of critical infrastructure must be allowed to continue," said Kvien.

She called on Russia to cease its destabilizing behavior, to adhere to its international agreements and to immediately withdraw from the Ukrainian territory,